Saturday, July 21, 2007

Not ready to drink the Kool-Aid

I live in the Birmingham metropolitan area of Alabama. Which most Bama fans want you to believe is "Tide Country." Although I will agree we are in the middle of enemy territory, on a daily basis I see more and more orange "T" tags on the front of cars or vinyl stickers displayed on the back window of a pickup truck. And can proudly say the numbers in attendance at the monthly Birmingham Big Orange Club meetings are growing. So why am I talking about these minor details in the big crimson scheme of things? Because most delusional fans think that the whole country is in awe of their "Bionic Coach." That is how I will be addressing him from now on. The Bionic man was, if you remember, the "Six Million Dollar Man." Rebuilt to be bigger, stronger, faster, super human even. The Bionic Coach was not rebuilt, was not improved, was not refined, or even New and Improved for Longer Lasting Flavor. But when he left LSU he was one of the highest paid coaches in america. Aside from a shared National Title, had been respectable as a head coach. I said it, Respectable. You cannot call him dominant due to his record. In big games he has faltered. In his time at Toledo, MSU, and LSU against big name, high profile, even Conference opponents he posted the folowing losing records against these opponents:
Opponent Record
UAB 0 wins 1 LOSS
Auburn 2 wins 3 LOSSES
Colorado St. 0 wins 1 LOSS
Florida 2 wins 3 LOSSES
Iowa 1 win 3 LOSSES
LSU 0 wins 1 LOSS
Michigan 2 wins 3 LOSSES
Navy 0 wins 1 LOSS
Nebraska 0 wins 2 LOSSES
Penn State 2 wins 3 LOSSES
Purdue 1 win 3 LOSSES
Stanford 0 wins 1 LOSS
Texas 0 wins 1 LOSS
Va Tech 0 wins 1 LOSS
Washington 0 wins 1LOSS
Wisconsin 1 win 2 LOSSES

Nick also "boasts" a stellar 3-6 bowl record (50%) and a losing NFL coaching record of 15-17 (46%). Yet after posting only two ten win seasons in his career, with all the hype of the Beatles appearance on the Ed Sullivan show, the Bionic Coach makes his "Triumphant Return" to the SEC ranks. Along the way once again becoming one of the highest paid coaches in NCAA history. To bring fear to the opposition..........No..........not really.
In my opinion he is a "good" coach. But the SEC is top heavy in "good" coaches. Is he a good recruiter, yes, Great Recruiter. Are we trembling in fear, no. Were we trembling when the "OL Ball Coach" returned, yeah a little, and he is at SOUTH CAROLINA!!!
The season kicks off in less than six weeks. I am ready for some football. I have had my fill of hype, trash talk, and delusional dreams. I am ready to stand along Peyton Manning Pass in the shadows of the great Neyland Stadium, shake the hands and high five each of the beloved men that put on the Orange and White, and coach them to greatness. Leave there and walk around the corner to watch the Pride of the Southland marching band make their parade to the stadium, stopping to "Salute the Hill" along the way. Then file into one of the Greatest Stadiums in College Sports, watch my Vols run through the T to the thunderous cheers of 110,000 screaming people in Orange! I am ready folks. It is time!